The RESILIENCE of the Firebird

So you can train hard!

Like the phoenix of myth, which shrugs off destruction by rising from the ashes, a FÉNIX puckhandling device is really hard to break. We know, because our testing went way beyond normal wear and tear.

See video of our durability tests!

Dynamic Puckhandling Development

Thoughtfully designed for convenience, durability, and guidance to help you maximize what you get back.

FÉNIX Product Page
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Groundbreaking Where It Counts

Versatility - Keep Things Fresh

Modular combinability places endless variation of challenge at our fingertips. The limit is your creativity.

Multi-Modal - Gradual Challenge Escalation

Easily switch between Slip Under Mode and Low Profile ("Low Pro") Mode. Low Pro allows easy versions of drills that will later demand good slip-under / reach-accross technique.

Built-In Road Map - Scan the QR and Start Training

We have set up a series of drills and created a detailed video series so no user has to wonder how to get started or what the next steps are. Unlock this information by scanning the code right on the FÉNIX!

Mobility - Get In and Out With Ease

  • Elegant system for deploying onto the ice and organizing on your way off
  • No hassle getting into and out of a car or truck
  • Streamlined shape for easy carrying